1 नवंबर 2024 को सूर्यास्त 17 घंटे 35 मिनट से लेकर 20 घंटा 24 मिनट तक प्रदोष काल है जिनकी समय अवधि 2 घंटा 39 मिनट है. इस बार प्रदोष…
Posts published in “Astrology”
As everyone wants to know their horoscope as it shows about their relationship goals. So, today we will discuss the most lovable horoscope that people disparately want to know, especially…
गुप्त नवरात्रि 12 फरवरी 2021 (शुक्रवार) से शुरू हो रहे हैं। मान्यता है कि गुप्त नवरात्रि में मां दुर्गा की पूजा को गुप्त रखा जाता है, इससे पूजा का फल…
What is a fixed zodiac sign? In this world, Zodiac is the gift of god to Human beings that shows their future positivity and negativity. On this matter, today we…
लक्ष्मी पूजा का चौघड़िया मुहूर्त प्रदोष काल – शाम 5:26 से रात 20:08 तक रहेगा। लक्ष्मी पूजन का सर्वश्रेष्ठ मुहूर्त शाम 5:49 से 6:02 बजे तक रहेगा। लाभ चौघड़िया –…
What is Birth time Rectification? Birth time Rectification: According to Vedic astrology, there is a different point of views and opinion on the case of recording of birth time. So…
Know Your Mantra with the process of has been used for thousands of years by various civilizations but so many people do not know his mantra so today I show…
What is Dream Analysis? Every human being dreams in his life, Dreams are the commonly perplexing view of our subconscious, some of the people trust they content cryptic meaning, so…
दिवाली पूजा मुहूर्त दिनांक – 27. 10 . 19 अमृत चौघडिया – 10.50 AM से 12.12 PM तक, 19.18 PM – 20.56 तक – दीप दान , लक्ष्मी गणेश पूजन…
What does Vedic astrology mean? General people believe in astrology they also believe in Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology is also based on the belief that the universe and other paradisiacal…